Sunday, June 14, 2009

Time out for a baby fix!

My friend Paula had a beautiful girl named Marina Rae on April 17. Yesterday us girls met to spend the day and visit, visits which have become few and far between since she moved to Modesto in March. But we had a great time and little Marina got lots of cuddling and love from her Aunties Carolyn (left), Jackie (right) and Gwen (me, below). Isn't she just the cutest thing??? Jackie and Carolyn are pretty cute too. We even got a smile!!

There are no pictures this day of Marina alone with her mom Paula because we kinda wouldn't give her back, but she did get to cuddle with mom for a minute and got a huge bear hug from Aunt Jackie.And at the end of the day, she lay across my legs and snoozed, perfect for mom to be able to snap her into her car seat for the long drive home.

Please let's do this more often!

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